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Re: problem installing cygwin+sshd

Michael wrote:
> ok - here listed what I did (sorry for the long listing):
> ---cut---
> 01. $ cygrunsrv -R sshd
> 02. remove registry-keys: HK(CU|LM)->SOFTWARE->Cygnus Solutions
> 03. remove windows/user sshd
> 04. rename c:\cygwin to c:\cygwin_1
> 05. run from user ladmin member of
> group local admins
> - install from internet
> - install for all users
> - added packages: openssh, tcp_wrappers
> 06. $ mkpasswd -cl > /etc/passwd
> 07. $ mkgroup -l > /etc/group
> 08. $ ssh-host-config
> - privilege separation -> yes
> - install sshd as service -> yes
> - CYGWIN=ntsec tty

Don't add tty, use only ntsec.

ok, I changed my Windows-env-variable CYGWIN to "ntsec" and $ cygrunsrv -R sshd $ ssh-host-config - always -> yes - CYGWIN=ntsec

Everything else looks fine...

> 19. $ /usr/sbin/sshd -D
> 20. $ ssh localhost date # (from 2nd cygwin-window)
> ladmin@localhost's password:
> Sun Feb 18 21:52:18 WEST 2007
> ---cut---

What happened? Did you login or not? It looks like you did.

yes, I was able to login successfully and executed the "date"-command "remotely".

so what is wrong with my installation (fyi - I did the same steps 2
days ago on a similar machine -> same error ...)

Hm.  What exactly is the point to showing us a sequence of steps that
results in a working install on one machine rather than the details of
the failure of these steps on another?  Perhaps the point of this merry
chase has been lost on me through this protracted thread.  Anyway, if
you're suggesting that the above steps do not provide a running 'sshd'
on some other system, please try running it _on that system_ as debug.
That should tell you what 'sshd' has a problem with.  If there's no
issue there, check the Windows event log.  If you can't interpret the
feedback you're getting from this sleuthing, please send information
about your process, errors, configuration, setup, etc., to this list
and hopefully someone will be able to spot the issue.

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
216 Dalton Rd.                          (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746


A: Yes.
> Q: Are you sure?
>> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
>>> Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?

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