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Re: Problems with setup.exe snapshots?

Angelo Graziosi wrote:

> In any case, this does not seem excluded completely from setup.ini
> (or .hint):
>   1) there is 'ec-fonts-mftraced' that depend on -tiny;
>   2)  also 'tetex' depend on -tiny and ldesc says
>      "...This virtual tetex package will install tetex-bin and tetex-tiny,
>      the minimal working teTeX setup.  It is advised to install tetex-base
>      too. If you have plenty of bandwith, find the rest of teTeX in
>      tetex-extra and tetex-doc."
> So I am confused: to install TeTeX completely, which package should be
> selected and which NO?
> Should we 'ping' the TeTeX maintainer?

Well, my understanding of the packages may be faulty.  I just know that
I have tetex-bin,base,extra installed but not -tiny and everything works

> When I saw the same postinstall to be included in more than a package, I
> suspected that something was wrong.
> Now with your dettailed explanation, more things are enlightened.

I've made a patch to setup that works around this issue and created a
new snapshot (2.558).  Give it a try and see if it fixes the issue for


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