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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] EOL for Windows 95/86/Me

Corinna Vinschen wrote:
On Feb 14 13:11, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
Corinna Vinschen wrote:
[snip] And in the long run you will have to reboot
your machine each time you install a new Cygwin release when using this
That's a fairly major bummer. Is that because this is something that depends on cygwin.dll and can't be unloaded, or...?

Authentication DLLs can't be replaced without reboot in Windows for security reasons.

Ok, but then, is the problem that the auth dll *is* cygwin1.dll, or else why wouldn't the reboot only be needed when you update the auth dll? (Does the auth dll need cygwin1.dll or would it be possible to make it only the other way around? Maybe the auth dll can have a hook to allow "stopping" and "starting" it so it can let go of cygwin1.dll and allow an update?) there a link somewhere with general information on "Authentication DLL's"?

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