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Re: Cygwin 1.5.19 / sh.exe progressively drives a server to freeze ...

Follow-up :

On all the servers on which there is a freeze problems with Cygwin custom compiled programs, there is the Symantec Corporate Antivirus version
bash scripts are running well with any AV version. The problem was concerning our cygwin based compiled programs that run bash scripts. As there is one additional process in the tree,
it seems to be a problem for some timeout somewhere ... ?

When I uninstall this software, our Cygwin based programs are running well. But security officers want an AV to be installed on all the servers, even if they sometimes kill performance, so I reinstalled it with the new 10.0 version : and now it keeps working ! So, Symantec Corportate AV 10.0 can be a good workaround,

although having no AV is the best solution.

Hope it will helps somebody


Emmanuel Torre a écrit :
Thanks for your answers René & Dave,

I will try to upgrade to the last version soon. For the simplification, it can not be possible as I have run the bash script for many years w/o major problems (some processes stayed hung frequently but could be killed easily) and I decided to compile the scripts to protect the code from modification.

About NAV & co, all the servers have NAV installed. I noticed the Windows 20003 server has not the SP1 installed. I will check this out.

I will try to monitor or to nice as advised but as they are production servers, I will be difficult to perform these tasks. I will try indeed.

Thanks you very much.

Best Regards,

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