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Re: Unable to run even simple batch scripts any more

Eric Backus wrote:
Matthew Woehlke <mw_triad <at>> writes:

Dennis Simpson wrote:
Three of us updated to latest windows cygwin last week, and none can run
even simple .sh scripts any more.  Prior version was 6 months ago.

Next time RTFRA. Oh, and STFLA; this particular horse died a *loooong* time ago.

Obviously, the horse is still alive and attempting to limp along. I predict it'll stay alive for quite some time longer.

* Bash's current treatment of crlf causes unexpected breakage of things that worked for years, and which most naive users expect to continue to work.
* Workaround using text mounts fails because lots of cygwin commands don't work right under text mounts (gzip for example, but there's lots more).
* Workaround by exporting SHELLOPTS breaks things because it put interactive things like history expansion into non-interactive shells (try calling "man bash" after exporting SHELLOPTS with igncr, for example).
* Workaround inserting "set -o igncr" is impractical when there are lots of scripts.
* Workaround calling d2u is impractical when there are lots of scripts, and breaks if the scripts must work with non-cygwin shells.

I know, cygwin developers are not interested in fixing this, which is certainly their right. But you can be sure that reports of this problem will continue to arrive.

And Cygwin's bash maintainer continues to work to improve the situation for those who can't just "do the right thing", despite all the email that comes to this list suggesting that he's not interested in these issues. I'd recommend, before others start slinging more mud, that they read the totality of the discussion about this. I think you'll realize that there have been herculean efforts to address the deficiencies mentioned above and that the effort continues. It would be a shame if all this extra noise causes the maintainer to actually loose interest in the issues people find as a result of this change.

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
216 Dalton Rd.                          (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746


A: Yes.
> Q: Are you sure?
>> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
>>> Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?

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