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Re: Help. Cygwin corrupting files

Chuck wrote:
Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:
Chuck wrote:
Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:
Chuck wrote:
Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:
Chuck wrote:

HD scan shows no errors.

I'm beginning to think I need to remove and reinstall every cygwin
package, but I'm not certain that will fix it either. I've already
reinstalled both coreutils and cygwin itself. I've even tried rolling
both back a few releases, but I get the same problem. This is very
Look for the usual suspects of problem software - firewalls, virus

Nothing has changed. I did a virus scan and spyware scan too. The virus
scan was completely clearn. The spyware scan picked up the usual
tracking cookies but nothing really bad.

The only other thing I can think of that's new is that Daemontools
virtual cd drive software. I've since removed it but it has not cleared
up the problem.

Actually, I was suggesting that your firewall, virus checker, and/or spyware software may be interfering. While your symptoms are not typical of these kinds of buggy software, it is a known fact that they can interfere with Cygwin in undesirable ways. To be sure they are not interfering, you must uninstall them. Turning the "off" is not enough.

Can't do that. The virus software is locked down. Anyway I've been using the same av and antispyware software for years. Never had a problem until last week. I really dont think that's the issue. About the only thing I can remove is Windows Defender which I probably don't need anyway. I already spybot.

I understand.  But you mention Windows Defender.  It's been known to cause
at least some trouble:


I'm not saying this is your problem or that this class of issue is your
problem.  But it is possible that it is an issue.  If you haven't already,
I'd recommend removing all you can and see if that helps any.

-- Larry Hall RFK Partners, Inc. (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office 216 Dalton Rd. (508) 893-9889 - FAX Holliston, MA 01746


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