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Re: Help. Cygwin corrupting files

Andrew DeFaria wrote:
> Chuck wrote:
>> I'd buy into the HD-getting-ready-to-fail argument more if I saw
>> weirdness on Windows too, but I don't. At least not yet. Plus scans of
>> the HD with both Tuneup Utilities and Windows itself are not turning
>> anything up.
> WAG but have you looked at the event log?

Yea, that was one of the first places I went. Nothing there of interest.

I did find out what that other software was that Daemontools installed
before it installed itself. It was SPTD (scsi passthrough direct). I've
uninstalled that too and still have the problem. I'm beginning to think
the problem has nothing to do with DaemonTools or SPTD. It may have just
been a coincidence that it began around the time that I installed that.

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