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Re: Help. Cygwin corrupting files

Chuck wrote:
At first I thought my recent problems with cygwin were limited to the
occasional "ls" command listing nothing. Run it again an it works
(usually). Now the problems are getting worse. I tried to "rm" a file
that I own and it didn't fully delete it. It corrupted it. An ls of the
file shows this (that is, when the ls command works).

$ ls -l
ls: cannot access bin_dirs.txt: No such file or directory
total 14
drwxr-xr-x+ 2 CHamilto Domain Users 0 Feb 9 14:50 ./
drwxr-xr-x+ 19 CHamilto Domain Users 0 Feb 9 14:33 ../
-rw-r--r-- 1 CHamilto Domain Users 3196 Feb 9 14:48 all_bin_dirs.txt
??????????? ? ? ? ? ? bin_dirs.txt
-rwx------ 1 CHamilto Domain Users 368 Feb 9 14:33*
-rwxrwx--- 1 CHamilto Domain Users 3069 Feb 9 11:06*
-rw-r--r-- 1 CHamilto Domain Users 1491 Feb 9 14:08 servers
-rwxrwx--- 1 CHamilto Domain Users 270 Feb 9 14:50*

What is up with that? I can't access or remove the bin_dirs.txt file now with either cygwin or windows. I tried resetting the owner but chown fails too.

$ chown "CHamilto:Domain Users" bin_dirs.txt
chown: cannot access `bin_dirs.txt': No such file or directory

I have tried reinstalling cygwin and coreutils to no avail. Did something happen in a recent release of cygwin to explain this bizarre behavior? I've been using cygwin for years and never experienced anything like this. Please help!
When I've seen this problem before (ls complaining file doesn't exist) it is usually because some other process has the file handle still open. Go to and download and run Process Explorer. It has a facility to search for "handles" by strings. Search for "bin_dirs.txt" and find which process has that file open and either close the file handle or kill the process. Return the bash shell and repeat the ls. You should see no problem anymore.
Andrew DeFaria <>
A day without sunshine is like night.

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