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Re: sshd exits during login attempt on WinXP 2003 x64 -- even with sshd running as service

Thanks for pointing that out -- I'm really not very conversant with Windows security.

While logged in as Administrator, I tried adding sshd_server to the list of users with the "Act as part of the operating system" privilege (SeTcbPrivilege), but for some reason on my system both the "Add User or Group" and "Remove" buttons are greyed-out.

Looks like this is a Windows Security configuration issue, not a Cygwin issue; I'll keep trying to resolve it.

Thanks for taking time to respond.


Corinna Vinschen wrote:

Looks like the Tcb privilege ("Act as part of the operating system") is missing for the sshd_server user.

I don't know how to activate output to /var/log/sshd.log -- would that
help to diagnose this problem?

No. You don't have to activate anything. If output is created, it will go to sshd.log. There's no magic.


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