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RE: Re: stupid spaces in environment vars

David Bear wrote on Friday, February 09, 2007 4:56 AM::
> Okay, the problem is in quoting in shell scripts, I think.

It is.  It's not a Windows problem and it certainly isn't a
cygwin problem.

Although spaces occur more often in Windows than on other 
platforms, they can and do occur on Unix/Linux for example. 
Any properly written shell script must be written with the
assumption that a path contains spaces.  If they aren't, at 
best they are broken, at worst they are a security risk.

If you're going to write shell scripts, learn to do it right.
Learn the quotation rules, by which I mean both knowing what
they are and UNDERSTAND them.

Windows is only making you more aware of the issues because
so many important paths include spaces.  (Quite why anyone
would *want* to create a path with spaces in it, particularly
important paths, is beyond me, but then MS does a lot of dumb


  Linux: enough rope to hang yourself
Windows: a ready made noose conveniently placed around your neck

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