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RE: Writing to MVFS (clearcase) volumes from remote ssh
Sorry for the slow reply.
Yep, tried both key-based and password authentication :(
Everything appears the same, like `whoami`. Do you have a
better tool for
determining my userid/group memebership, etc.? I have attached the
environmental differences. The only thing that stands out to me is the
USERDNSDOMAIN, USERDOMAIN, and USERNAME fields not being present in the
ssh session. I tried exporting them and nothing seemed to change. Any
other ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
-----Original Message-----
From: Max Kaehn []
Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2007 7:22 PM
To: Benedict, Michael
Subject: RE: Writing to MVFS (clearcase) volumes from remote ssh
On Tue, 2007-02-06 at 17:31 -0600, Benedict, Michael wrote:
> Please bear with me, I am not sure if I am on the same page as you.
> 1) I can see the mount. I can make it my working directory. I can
> view files in it. I can even remove some files from it. This is all
> from the remote ssh session.
> 2) I downloaded WinObj, and am trying to use it. I see no entries in
> \Sessions\0\DosDevices that link to my Clearcase volume (M:).
> \GLOBAL??\M: is a link to \Device\mvfs on my system. In Cygwin, m:
> was mounted on /cygdrive/m. All my tests are nested deeply in
> /cygdrive/m... Eg:
You'd see the link in Sessions if you have a view shortcut mounting a
drive letter. Looks like you're using the MVFS drive, rather than
mapping a drive to a particular view, so that's not an issue.
(If there's a conflict, the drive letters in Sessions override those in
the global namespace. Each logged in user gets their own session, as
does any service running as a user other than SYSTEM.)
Do you have the same user ID, group membership, etc. when logged in via
ssh as via the console?
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