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Workaround for timeout problems with ssh/scp etc on a dual core Dell Laptop

Using my new Dell Inspiron E1705 laptop, with dual-core processor,
I was unable to transfer much data using ssh or scp without getting
the error: "Disconnecting: Timeout, server not responding."
That made the laptop unusable for accessing my CVS server via ssh.

The problem seems similar to the one described by:

I tracked the problem down to a conflict with the internet
filter application I had installed.  I have been using SafeEyes
version 4.1, sold by  I have submitted
a report to their tech service and we'll see what happens.  For now
I have to run without the filter application installed.

So if anyone encounters a similar problem, try uninstalling any
filter you may have.  It seems obvious now...

-- Cliff

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