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Re: ar 'unable to rename... Invalid cross-device link'

Corinna Vinschen wrote:
I took the time to install and configure SUA on my R2 server.  Then I
tried to rename a file, where the target file name already exists:
[snip test program]
So it WJFFM.  There must be a problem in your setup.

Ok, trying your exact test, I get EXDEV... so I agree with the above. Any guesses *what*, though? (I don't have that volume information toy :-(...) might even be something stupid like if I reboot the machine, it'll work again (it's a lab machine, it isn't rebooted often). I've noticed that I often have to unmount and remount drives before I can write to them (nothing to do with Cygwin, just an annoyance I've noticed that may be related).

Oh, well. Chalk it up to the computer being broken. Since it turns out I can build on a different machine, it's not important.

Thanks again for the help, sorry it's a dead end.

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