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Re: Vista how to guide or FAQ?

On Feb  7 11:02, Tim michals wrote:
> I've attempted to go over the entire Vista related postings and inferred
> that current cygwin.dll 1.5.24-2 on Vista has the following issues:
> - Cannot fork another process

You got that wrong.  1.5.24 runs on Vista.

> - Has an issue doing the install

Yes, it's the `install.exe' tool from coreutils.  There's no fix for
that so far.  The right fix would be to add a manifest file for 
install.exe to the coreutils package.

Eric, given that I pasted a matching manifest file in one of my mails
about this Vista "feature"(*), would you mind to create a new coreutils
package which contains this manifest file in /usr/bin alongside with
install.exe?  The problem is that the base-whatever script potentially
fails on Vista otherwise, depending on the UAC settings.  I know how
frustrating this is, but we have no chice, really.



Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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