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Re: late bash CR/LF functionality change problem

peter.kielbasiewicz wrote:
> I recently updated to the latest bash rev. only to find that most of
> my scripts do not work anymore. I browsed through the FAQ and mailing
> lists and found many people having problems with the changed
> behaviour of treating \r literally.
> I do not want to argue what is right or wrong though. Fact is that
> bash until fall last year functioned in a certain way. Many people
> wrote scripts using this functionality. Now bash functions
> differently which breaks a lot of jobs.
> Especially batch processes which did their job silently in the
> background all over the sudden cause problems. If a change is
> implemented which has such a big impact it should NEVER be
> implemented as the default behaviour. Instead this new functionality
> should be activated by an env setting, start parameter or the like so
> that the functionality stays backward compatible.
> What made things even worse is that there is no notification about
> the changed behaviour. It is just the symptoms and everyone
> experiencing the problem must then dig to find out the cause.
The change in bash's behaviour has been announced many times in bash
package release announcements which are sent into this mailing list.
There even was a transition period when it was only part of experimental
bash package. If you have read any of the announcements you would know
about it.

Reading this mailing list is important. It is the only information
channel from Cygwin developers and package maintainers to you, the users.

> Is there an quick and easy solution to the problem out yet?
Use the d2u utility on your scripts.

> Peter

Vaclav Haisman

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