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Writing to MVFS (clearcase) volumes from remote ssh

I have an ssh server running on a Windows XP Professional.  I also have
a Clearcase Dynamic view mounted to the M:\ drive.  From a Cygwin X-term
(local), I am able to interact with files mostly as expected(1).  If I
ssh into Cygwin(2), I can list and read files fine.  If I have
permission, I can even unlink them!  However, I am not able to open any
files for writing, including creating new files.  Running with smbntsec
or nosmbntsec in the CYGWIN environment variable seems to have no
effect.  I am running with ntsec set in the CYGWIN environment variable.
I have tried running with and without privilege separation for sshd.

I have attached my `cygcheck -s -v -r`, as well as sequential straces
executing a `cp`.  The remotely executed 'cp' on the MVFS volume fails
with permission denied.  The same exact 'cp' executed locally succeeds.
Any suggestions or ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

(1) - Atimes seem to be completely unsupported on MVFS volumes.  Certain
actions for certain elements of the MVFS volume will indicate that the
media is mounted read-only depending on how version control access is
configured.  However, those elements and actions are consistent between
Cygwin, Windows, and an ssh shell.
(2) - ssh localhost will __NOT__ reproduce this behavior.  The ssh
session must be started from a remote machine.

Attachment: cygcheck.out
Description: cygcheck.out

Attachment: cp.local.strace
Description: cp.local.strace

Attachment: cp.remote.strace
Description: cp.remote.strace

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