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Re: Eliminating -mno-cygwin from gcc.

Frank Fesevur wrote:

> At 5-2-2007 17:58, Charles Wilson wrote:
>> Sounds to me like we need to consider extending the setup.ini format
>> (and, by extension, the setup.hint format) to include an optional field:

>> popup: This package is a significant change from the previous release.
>> Please check <a href="";>the
>>  mailing list</a> for the related announcement <b>before</b> continuing.

> If you want a use a popup, please make it aware of the --quiet option!

> I run 'setup.exe --quiet' from a simple .bat script to update my
> installation (first stopping and afterwards starting again my sshd). And
> even that is not always free of popups (when files are still in use).

> Therefore I can't do a fully automatic update. And I know setup.exe is
> not designed for unattended usages, but with the current command line
> options it can act like it and I do use it that way.

> And could the 'file in use' message box also respect the --quiet option?

Why not writing this Warning and future popups into a Logfile if --quit is


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