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Re: svn on cygwin related problem.

--- Luca Cappa wrote:

> Hello all,
> I am using the svn package provided by cygwin (svn
> --help reports "version  
> 1.4.2 (r22196) compiled Dec  2 2006, 14:28:55"), and
> I encountered the  
> following problem while exporting the content of my
> Subversion repository.
> In the repository, I have a directory T which
> contains another file called  
> X.exe and a directory called X. When I export the
> content of the whole  
> repository (svn export --force
> svn://localhost/trunk/PathToDirectoryT),  
> the follwoing happens:
> -the X.exe file gets exported correctly;
> -when the the X directory would get exported, svn
> outputs the following  
> error: "svn: 'X' exists and is not a directory"
> It does not happen if I manually export first the X
> directory, and then  
> the X.exe file, like:
> svn export --force svn://localhost/trunk/PathToT/X
> svn export --force
> svn://localhost/trunk/PathToT/X.exe
> but the error happens if I export the X.exe file
> before the directory,  
> i.e.:
> svn export --force
> svn://localhost/trunk/PathToT/X.exe
> svn export --force svn://localhost/trunk/PathToT/X
> svn: 'Programmer' exists and is not a directory
> which is the sequence of operations when the whole
> repository is exported.  
> Is this a bug? Should I report it to cygwin or to
> tigri's subversion?
> I am using Windows XP Professional, NTFS fs in both
> the server and the  
> client computers.
> Notice that the problem does not happen when the
> same sequence of actions  
> are executed with the native win32 client provided
> by Tigris, so it should  
> be a cygwin related problem only.
> Greetings,
> Luca

Hi, I had posted to the svn list that I couldn't
reproduce this issue in my setup.

Here is what I saw with this type of export:
$ svn export file:///svn/test/exe test_export
A    test_export
A    test_export/file
A    test_export/file/new_sub_file.txt
A    test_export/file.exe

Exported revision 30.

Or am I missing something?

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