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A bit random I know but.. [was RE: Eliminating -mno-cygwin from gcc?]

On 05 February 2007 03:01, Christopher Faylor wrote:

> On Sun, Feb 04, 2007 at 11:03:12PM -0000, Dave Korn wrote:
>> On 31 January 2007 15:39, Christopher Faylor wrote:
>>>> Sorry, but we don't support Linux on this mailing list. ;)
>>> Yes we do.  I just changed the cygwin web page.  :-)
>>  Copyright line needs updating...
> What in the world does this have to do with the subject or contents of
> this email?

  You saying you changed the web page made me notice that it's been updated
this year and still has last year's copyright date on it.  I thought it was
probably one of those things like the gpl copyright boiler plate at the top of
every source file that needs updating the first time the file gets patched in
the new year... :)

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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