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Re: Eliminating -mno-cygwin from gcc.

On Sun, Feb 04, 2007 at 09:13:32PM -0600, Yaakov (Cygwin Ports) wrote:
>Christopher Faylor wrote:
>>I think I'd rather wait until some kind of early warning system is
>>available in setup.exe than issue a "deprecated" warning which has the
>>capacity to propagate everywhere and live for a long time.
>Why isn't cygwin-announce sufficient?  We rely on that for everything
>else.  I'm just afraid that if the setup.exe patch , if not imminent,
>could hold up the gcc development.

If you have been reading this list for any length of time then it should
be obvious that merely mentioning something in cygwin-announce is not an
adequate way to let people know about serious changes.


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