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Re: missing dependencies for git

"Eric Blake" <> wrote in message">
Hash: SHA1

According to Mark Levedahl on 2/1/2007 9:35 AM:
git requires curl and cpio, but these packages are not listed as

cpio I can see, but does it really use curl AS WELL AS libcurl3? Anyways, thanks for the hint; I've updated the dependency. It also uses tcl if you use gitk, but I haven't added that dependency (not to mention that gitk is somewhat broken under cygwin until this week's patches on the git mailing list are applied, due to tcl inconsistencies between cygwin vs. Linux; hopefully the gitk patches make it in the eventual git 1.5).

Shell scripts git-fetch and git-ls-remote both invoke curl.

The gitk patch is on pu and 1.5 is nearly frozen so I don't expect the patch to be in 1.5. You could just add it to the cygwin package. (hint, hint).

Mark Levedahl

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