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Questions about porting from Linux to Windows...


I am in the process of porting a huge application (> 700 000 lines of code ; C ; Unix/Linux) to Windows.

I will not be using cygwin to port the GUI, but the project is based on lots of static libraries. Thus it prompted me with several questions, both technical and commercial.

I will post the commercial ones to the licensing mailing list.

Thus here are the technical questions :

a) Are my own static libraries ( .a) compiled with cgiwin accepted by GUI builders like Visual C++, DevC++, CodeBlocks etc.. ?

If this is the case then I do have the following questions :

b) If I do what's mentioned above in order to produce a binary, how does it work when it is shiped to a client ? Is there a need to ship something else with it (like cygwin dll ??) ?

c) Is the cygwin1 dll shiped with my OS at the time of purchase compatible with such a use ?

d) I make use of sockets. If I build a static library based on socket handling to be used as above-mentioned in a binary, will it work as is on Windows (especially the asynchronous part) ? Will I need something else ? Will it imply modifiying the receiving computer of the binary ?

e) Also in this socket-related subject, how can I define services like in etc/services on Windows without using cygwin ?

Thanks a lot for your answers..

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