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Re: Two short scripts for Cygwin-Windows interoperation

Corinna Vinschen wrote:
On Jan 7 21:21, Christian Franke wrote:
Corinna Vinschen wrote:

Come on, what did you expect? ;) least some info whether such a patch would be accepted.
(I don't want to do patches which need many iterations or end up in /dev/null ;-)

Christian, you have a Cygwin assignment in place, you have contributed
two patches to Cygwin already. Why would you think I wouldn't take this
patch if it gets offered and looks ok?

I didn't think so, only did not expect "... what did you expect? ;-)" ;-)

Looks good, btw.

OK, thanks.

However, this is a real patch and as such belongs on the cygwin-patches
mailing list. Can you please resend it there?

Yes, wrong list, sorry. Done.


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