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Re: Updated cygwin dlls cause unnecessary reboot on NT

Igor Peshansky wrote:
And that is exactly the problem -- not the .new suffixes.  The way Cygwin
is designed, you cannot have two versions of the Cygwin DLL (think of it
as the kernel) in use at the same time, no matter what the name is.  In
Linux, you expect to reboot when upgrading the kernel -- why are you
surprised that the same happens in Cygwin?
	Not all DLL's replaced during setup are CygwinX.DLL.  A majority are
not part of the "cyg-kernel".  I know the problem is in Cygwin.  Some
believe, falsely, that the problem is in Windows.  It is not.

Oh, but it *is* in Cygwin.
	If I am updating cygwin1.dll, fine -- but that is _USUALLY_ not
the case.  It's a *special* case.

If you need any more explanation of how to implement this...

I think pretty much everyone knows how to implement this.

Apparently not. Upgrading any DLL requires rebooting when, from what you say, the problem only is in upgrading Cygwin1.dll (and maybe a couple of others).

The problem
that needs to be solved is how to do this without allowing the user to
have more than 1 version of cygwin1.dll in memory at the same time.

If you can figure this one out, feel free to submit a patch to Cygwin
setup that implements the behavior you suggest.  I don't see why it can't
work for any libraries other than cygwin1.dll (and maybe a couple of
others).  However, I doubt that any patch that special-cases the DLL by
name will be accepted.
	Of course, why would we want to allow updating applications without
a reboot like on linux -- as you mention.  If we upgrade the kernel, we must
reboot, but on linux, one can upgrade the applications without rebooting.

	FWIW, I have replaced the libs like cygwin1.dll, cygintl?.dll...
and such while cygwin is running and not had a catastrophe as one might have
trying to overwrite/update the memory image of a kernel dynamically, so I
don't think it's quite all the end of the world you make it out to be.  But
I admit it doesn't sound clean.

	It is, however, quite ludicrous to force a linux-reboot everytime
someone upgrades an application like bash or vim.

	I'd make suggestions for upgrading cygwin.dll live, but my ideas
seem entirely too silly to mention right now...:-)


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