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Re: how to use DNS or libc/minires.c in cygwin

On Dec 19 22:17, andy wang wrote:
> Hi, All:
> I want to use the DNS related library on cygwin and I noticed that
> "src/winsup/cygwin ChangeLog libc/minires.c
> Subject: src/winsup/cygwin ChangeLog libc/minires.c "
> on
> I want to ask how to use minires on cygwin or do I need to install
> minires package instead?

The resolver functions in Cygwin are only available in CVS(*).  It will
not be made available as release any time soon.  If your code is
supposed to run under current versions of Cygwin, you have to install
the minires-devel package and link against -lresolv.


(*) Big THANK YOU to Pierre Humblet for allowing to integrate the
    functionality into Cygwin, btw :)

Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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