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Re: Vista 64 users, please test snapshot

Corinna Vinschen <corinna-cygwin <at>> writes:

> I've applied a patch to Cygwin which should workaround what appears to
> be a compatibility bug in WOW64 on Vista 64.
> Please try the latest snapshot DLL from

This worked nicely for me, except that I do see a couple of problems with 
Cygwin in Vista 64 that I do not see in an identical Cygwin installation under 
Windows XP:

1. The bash $PATH environment variable does not get set properly - it has all 
of the paths from the windows %PATH% (properly translated to /cygdrive/c) but 
does not include "/usr/bin".

2. Some Windows environment variables are getting translated to "/cygdrive/c", 
but some are not. The %PATH%, %TEMP% and %TMP% are translated, but I have GTK 
installed and, amongst others, %GTK_BASEPATH% does not get translated:

[~]: echo $TEMP
[~]: echo $GTK_BASEPATH

To work around these I had to add the following in my .bash_login, neither of 
which were needed under Windows XP:

# These not normally required but added for snapshot 12/6/06 for Vista 64:
export PATH="/usr/bin:$PATH"
export GTK_BASEPATH="/cygdrive/c/GTK"


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