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Nfs server and rsync


I'm running the universal NFS server 2.3 on a WinXP box
and nfs-mount a directory from a Linux box. Then, from the
Linux box I use the rsync command to copy a file tree from
the local Linux drive to the nfs-mounted directory.

I'm transferring about 4GB of data and of course I don't expect
any marvelous performance, but still, it takes hours.

During the transfer I noticed that bascially during all the time
the floppy led of the Cygwin machine is switched on and very
often I can hear the clicking noise for attempted floppy access.

So I guess it's the constant floppy access that makes my
transfer so terribly slow. On the other hand, why does the
floppy get accessed all the time in first place? Is it nfs-server
who does the floppy access and why?

If anyone can shed some light on this or point out where to
have a closer look at. Any comment is greatly appreciated.


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