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Re: Vista & coreutils (or any other package)

Shankar Unni wrote:

> > The manifest route is pretty simple, you just create an .xml file, then
> > refer to it in a resource file, and then windres does the rest.
> But in cases like this, we really *don't* want to run with elevated
> privileges - if I'm "install"ing to /tmp, I definitely don't want to
> raise my privileges needlessly and potentially set up a security risk
> somewhere. (Admittedly this is an unlikely scenario, but...)

I thought the idea here was that the manifest tells the system
explicitly "I am not an installer and I do not need to be run with
elevated privileges", i.e. treat it like a normal program.

> Perhaps if we did this (cygwin-specific hack) instead?
> * Rename "install.exe" to "inst-all.exe" (or something that won't trip
> Vista's braindamage)
> * Supply a one-line "install" shell script to exec inst-all.
> * And then, in turn, we could provide an option to "install" to hack
> other packages' installations of executions named "xxxinstallxxx.exe",
> etc., to use this subterfuge and create the script and renamed execute
> on the fly in the install location.

Oh god please no.  There is no need to punish non-Vista users (i.e. the
vast majority of users) with such hideous atrocities when Vista users
can simply disable the feature at the heart of the problem.


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