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Re: [Avail for test] rxvt-20050409-4

Charles Wilson skrev:
This test release of rxvt is intended to correct the misbehavior reported here:
where using Alt-F4 or clicking the 'x' button on the rxvt window left behind a zombie bash process.

Current rxvt users, please install and test this version -- in both native- and X- configurations, and report any *regressions* back to this list. (I'm not interested right now in problems common to both rxvt-20050409-3 and rxvt-20050409-4 -- I just want to make sure that -4 fixes the problem above, and introduces no new problems.)


For me, it fixes the problem in my original report and everything else I do with rxvt seem to work just as it did with the non-experimental version. But I can't say I'm an aggressive rxvt user. :-)

/ E

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