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RE: No octave prompt (no error messages)

On 07 December 2006 14:22, Tony Richardson wrote:

> Albert Vos <vos_albert <at>> writes:
>> at home and at work I have the same problem with octave under cygwin. In
>> both cases I octave just quits without giving any output, no prompt, no
>> error messages. One computer runs on win2000 Sp4 on which I'm no
>> administrator and the other runs on winXp Sp2 on which I have all rights.
> You might try starting octave using "octave -V" or "octave -x" (or both) to
> determine if it is getting hung in one of the startup scripts.
> Otherwise follow the problem reporting guidelines ...
> Tony Richardson

  Also try "cygcheck -c octave", which verifies the package is intact.  If
that doesn't show anything, try "cygcheck /bin/octave.exe" which shows all the
DLLs that octave depends on, and make sure they're all installed: maybe
there's a missed dependency in the setup.ini lines.

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