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Re: Windows Vista and CygWin

McArdle, Christian wrote:
If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, copying or dissemination of this message is
strictly prohibited. If you received this message in If it does have any weight, it prohibits us from replying to your communication.
Not really, as you are the intended recipient! This means that the prohibitions don't apply to you.
You really didn't intend on me receiving this! Trust me. I'm now gonna abuse the hell out of it. Prepare to sue me! ;-)

The prohibition is quite simply unenforceable and carries no legal weight at all.
But it seems more likely that your company policy prohibits you from using your e-mail system to post on a public list, as you have done.
No, it just puts an annoying long signature on the end. In fact, I had no idea that it did so until you complained, especially as my brain automatically filters out signatures, so I didn't even notice when I read it myself.
How does your brain auto filter it when it is not properly delineated as a signature? You do know that a proper signature is set off by two dashes and a space right?


Andrew DeFaria <>
A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. On my desk, I have a work station... Go figure!

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