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Re: setting up a local mirror

OK, I couldn't resist answering one last question before unsubscribing
from the list...

On 12/5/06, Nathan Moore wrote:
> Cygwin is used extensively within my school's physics department,
> and I'd like to set up a local mirror for packages.  I assume this
> entails writing a bash script which downloads all of the source
> packages from an official repository.  The script is then run at
> regular (ie crontab scheduled) intervals.  Could anyone provide me
> with more information on this task (ie where to download from, how
> often repositories change, how much space will be required, etc)?

All the details are in the "Creating a local Cygwin mirror with rsync" section at

I don't know the current space requirements, but I'm sure it's
many gigabytes.

Before you go through the trouble, you may just want to standardize
on using an already existing nearby ".edu" mirror site.

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