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Re: cygwin + vista x64

Andrew Paprocki wrote:

I've been trying to figure out why cygwin isn't working properly on
Vista x64. I saw the thread you posted to here:

I see that cygwin is performing the trick outlined here:

(Search for "Pass arbitrary data to a child process!")

This is achieved because the child_info class is declared to have:

DWORD zero[4]; // must be zeroed

It appears as if this trick is no longer working under Vista x64. The
question is, does this code now have to resort to using
VirtualAllocEx/WriteProcessMemory, or is there a way around it?

Have you been able to isolate this into a simple binary test? I am
currently running on a Vista x64 system right now with VS2005
installed in case you would like me to try out anything which may be
of help.

You may be interested in this update from Corinna today:


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