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Re: logon failure from subauth in 2006-08-02 snapshot

On 8/10/2006 12:21 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
On Aug 9 11:37, David Rothenberger wrote:
I've noticed repeated logon failures in my Security event log with
the 2006-08-02 snapshot. (I have security auditing enabled.)

I'm not sure whether this is expected behavior or not.

It's expected behaviour if you didn't set up subauthentication.

Okay, I tried to setup subauthentication per I copied my cygsuba.dll to c:/windows/system32 and added the registry key as indicated. Now, I get system error code 126 (ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND).

Am I missing something? Or is this one of those cases where I shouldn't be even trying if I can't figure it out myself?

David Rothenberger                spammer? ->
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