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Re: Permission denied Permission denied Permission denied Permission denied Permission denied Permission denied

On Thu, Aug 10, 2006 at 03:53:55PM +1200, Steve Keate wrote:
> Are there any useful resources on finding out exactly what security mode
> to choose when using Cygwin, also, are there any resources on how to use
> mkpasswd and what arguments to use. I have scoured the net for two days
> looking for anything.
> Is cygwin now abandonware, or is support just abyssmally poor?

Only a very brief period of scouring the net should have led you
to the conclusion that this list is the primary vehicle for support.

Since the list archives should indicate to you that there is a great
deal of traffic on this list, I'm at a loss to know where the
"abandonware" comes from.  And since this is apparently your first
effort at asking for help, the same goes for "abyssmally (sic) poor".

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