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Re: Older versions

On Wed, Aug 09, 2006 at 06:35:49PM -0400, Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:
>alecswan wrote:
>>I must have messed something up while zipping up and copying cygwin from my
>>desktop to my laptop. Now I am getting this error:
>>"'bash' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable
>>program or batch file."
>>Do you have any idea what I messed up?
>You forgot 'bash' or your path isn't set up properly so you can find the
>copy you do have.  Unless you're missing everything from '/bin' (which
>would include 'cygwin1.dll'), I suspect it's the latter point that is
>the cause of your problems.

Or, you didn't recreate the mount table with the .bat file created by
"mount -m"?

Or, if you put the cygwin files on different drives on one system than
on the other, the mount commands and the cygwin.bat file would need to
be modified.


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