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Re: 1.5.21: bash-completion 20060301-1 failure

Hans wrote:

++ awk 'BEGIN {FS=","}
                                {for (i=1; i<=2; ++i) { \
                                       gsub(" .*$", "", $i); \
                                       if ($i ~ /^demons/) {print $i} \
                                }}' /home/David Hasselhoff/.ssh/known_hosts

Aha(?)! I wonder if completion is effectively quoting the argument to awk (or if that path is being sent as two paths: /home/David and Hasselhoff/.ssh/known_hosts)..

Try setting your home directory to something like "/home/DavidH~1" (or whatever the short form of your actual home directory is :-) and see if that works now..

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