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Re: dlopen error

On Mon, Jul 31, 2006 at 05:14:17PM +0200, Angelo Graziosi wrote:
>Christopher Faylor wrote:
>>What does a "false positive" have to do with the simple request to
>>attach cygcheck output?  You do see that many people manage to do this,
>>right?  So, there should be no reason why you can't do so as well.
>Previously (as one can verify from Cygwin archives) the cygwin users
>have met difficulties in sending their emails attaching the cygcheck
>output: the emails were rejected because suspected of SPAM.

So, "false positive" in this case refers to the mailing list spam
software considering non-spam email to be spam.

I don't recall many (any?) cases where this has affected people in such
a way as they have been unable to follow the instructions in the bounce
messages so that they can unblock themselves.  However, ignoring the
bounce messages and complaining about difficulties sending email is one
of the fun off-topic activities that are typical of the cygwin lists.


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