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Re: Apache2-2.2.2-1 Bug starting server

Razi Khaja wrote:
> Hello, 
> (1) I installed the binary package for Apache2-2.2.2-1 
> (2) I did not edit /etc/apache2/httpd.conf 
> (3) I executed the command /usr/sbin/apachectl2 -t and the output was: 
> httpd2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName 
> Syntax OK 
> (4) I executed the command /usr/sbin/apachectl2 -k start and the output was: 
> httpd2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName 
> /usr/sbin/apachectl2: line 78:  5908 Bad system call         $HTTPD $ARGV 

Now read the /usr/share/doc/Cygwin/apache2-2.2.2.README file.


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