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Why are Windows paths broken in make 3.81?

Here is a sample Makefile that breaks with Gnu Make 3.81-1 under
Cygwin, but works fine with Gnu Make 3.80-1.  We have been writing
these types of Makefiles for years, using both Windows and Cygwin
tools, and this is the first time Make has ever broken like this.

I see in another thread that this is a known issue, though I don't see
it in the changelogs for make 3.81.

Was this a deliberate break with backwards compatibility?  It means
that every single reference to a windows path needs to be wrapped in
cygpath, which is a huge inconvenience.

Is it broken only on Windows?  Since ':' is a legal file character in
unix I wouldn't expect this to  be a problem in the gnu make sources.
Is this a cywin only bug?  What possible reason could there be to
introduce this deliberately?

Confusedly yours,


Attachment: cygcheck.out
Description: Binary data

Attachment: Makefile
Description: Binary data

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