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Re: inetd error

Robert McGraw wrote:
mwoehlke <mwoehlke <at>> writes:
McGraw, Robert P. wrote:
Is there any know problem with running inetd on a Window2003 server?
Yup. Try reading Corrina's reply to your previous message.


At the time I did not realize that this post had anything to do with my previous
post.  Actually I had indicated that I had resolved my problem but Corrina's
post about w2k3 problem was exactly what I was looking for.

Right... as you've noticed, SYSTEM on W2k3 can't do a setuid()... technically that isn't an inetd problem, it's a problem experienced by some daemons that inetd manages (which was what you were experiencing).

I sent this post before I had a chance to log in an look at my previous post.

Ok... I was looking at the timestamps; you missed by about five hours (at least according to Thunderbird). :-)

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