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Using cygwin programs to open files downloaded with internet explorer


When downloading postscript files I am trying to use the cygwin
ghostview (gv.exe) instead of the window one. Under Internet Explorer
I was able to do it by telling IE to use the cygwin gv to open .ps
files. I do, however, have two problems:

1) When I open a ps file I always get an empty windows command
window. That is, I end up with two windows, the gv window I like, and
another one I need to minimize. Is there a way to tell IE to use the
sygwin gv without opening another window?

2) All this is working only if I start IE from a cygwin terminal. Is
there a way to tell IE to use the cygwin gv even if I start IE in the
usual way, that is, by clicking on the IE shortcut on the desktop?

Thanks a lot for any advice.


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