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Re: Cygwin and Windows Vista Beta 2

Chuck McDevitt wrote:
Just an FYI: Cygwin's fork() implementation has an intermittent bug
when running on Windows Vista Beta 2 (Beta 2 will be released to the general public soon).

Here's an example error (from running bash -l ):

      6 [main] ? (3572) c:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe: *** fatal error -
couldn't alloc
ate heap, Win32 error 0, base 0x800000, top 0x810000, reserve_size
61440, allocs
ize 65536, page_const 4096
     62 [main] bash 4888 child_copy: stack write copy failed,
, done 0, windows pid 2286132, Win32 error 5
bash: fork: No error

Here's another example (doing an ls inside bash):

bash-3.1$ ls
     20 [main] ? (5248) c:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe: *** fatal error -
couldn't alloc
ate heap, Win32 error 0, base 0x800000, top 0x820000, reserve_size
126976, alloc
size 131072, page_const 4096
137604415 [main] bash 4436 child_copy: stack write copy failed,
00, done 0, windows pid 2287732, Win32 error 5
bash: fork: No error

The odd thing is that it sometimes works, and sometimes gives this

Is it possible there were some "reserved for future use" parameters on
some Win32 calls that aren't getting initialized properly, and are now
being used by Vista?

As the main Cygwin page <> says:

"The Cygwin DLL works with all non-beta, non "release candidate", ix86 32 bit
versions of Windows since Windows 95, with the exception of Windows CE."

I offer that just in case there's any confusion about the state of Cygwin
and Vista.

With that in mind, have you tried a snapshot?

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746

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