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Re: window resizing not updating COLUMNS and LINES

Samuel Thibault wrote:
mwoehlke, le Wed 31 May 2006 17:19:15 -0500, a écrit :
Kenneth Nellis wrote:
Same here...I do my own export to get things started. --Ken

Wait, wait, step back... this in itself sounds like a problem.

'export COLUMNS' is needed for 'printenv COLUMNS' to work, since in the printenv case you need the variable to be transferred to the child printenv process.

Ok, that makes sense, although my understanding is that if the child process is 'bash' (including a script run by bash), then it will have a non-exported copy of the var set correctly. Or rather, it would/should if this was working at all.

Doom doom dooM doo-DooM dOOm DOom doOM... DOOM! -- Gir

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