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Re: cygwin Digest 31 May 2006 18:20:53 -0000 Issue 4986

On Tue, 30 May 2006 22:39:24 -0700, "David Christensen"
<> wrote:
Subject: RE: 200 GB drive has room but gzip indicates "No space left on device"

I put the 200 GB drive into an XP box and ran Cygwin "df" -- same result.
Cygwin utilities, including "df", work fine a 250 GB drive in the same XP

I must assume that the 200 GB disk is corrupted, or is failing.

David, what filesystem is on the disk? This is a common error on big disks with only one Linux ext3 filesystem using a default number of inodes with a lot of small files in it. The error happens because the filesystem runs out of inodes before it runs out of space due to the large number of small files.

If you have an NTFS in it, something similar might be happening.  A
quick test to verify is to remove one file and then create a big one
or something like that.

I don't know if that's the problem but it's just one more thing to think about.

Luis P Caamano
Atlanta, GA USA

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