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Mouse wheel no longer working with bash after upgrade

I just got a new computer and of course installed the latest cygwin on it. I previously was running
Windows 2000, cygwin dll version 1.5.9 (build date 2004-03-18 23:05), bash 2.05b.0(1)-release.
Now I am running Windows XP, cygwin dll version 1.5.19-cr-0x5ef (build date 2005-01-20 13:28),
bash 3.1.17(6)-release.

The mouse wheel works everywhere except within the bash window started from cygwin.bat, and
it used to work on the previous installation. I also tried copying over my old cygwin installation and
the mouse wheel still didn't work, which I found quite strange.

I've also tried starting up a command window, and executing bash from within it, just as cygwin.bat
does. The mouse wheel works until I start bash, stop working once I'm running bash, and starts
working again once I exit bash.

Anyone have any advice on how I can get the mouse wheel and bash to play nice together?

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