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1.5.19-4: sshd: "child_copy: linked dll data write copy failed" after computer reboot (Windows 2003 Server SP1)

I installed Cygwin rel. 1.5.19-4 on Windows 2003 Server SP1.
Hardware: Intel XEON 2.80 GHz, 2 GB RAM

After installing I launched ssh-host-config and activated the sshd system 

Every time I restart the computer the sshd service starts but all SSH 
connections are refused. In the same moment in /var/log/sshd.log occurs an 
entry like this:
      8 [main] sshd 2060 child_copy: linked dll data write copy failed, 
0x46C000..0x46C040, done 0, windows pid 2284756, Win32 error 87

If I restart the sshd system service only without restarting the computer the 
connectivity works as expected. In that case, no further entries occur in 

Thanks for your help with this,
R. K.

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