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Re: sshd+ssh localhost connects, but don't reach the shell

On 05/30/2006, Vilar Camara wrote:
After all, I'm really suspicious about that ZoneAlarm DLL. But I think I can only purge it if I uninstall the firewall. Oh my.

You are correct. Turning it off is not enough. ZA inserts itself into the TCP stack so turning it off is not the same as not having it installed. FWIW, ZA has caused all sorts of problems for Cygwin-X. There haven't been the reports of problems with just ssh, but there's always a first time.

-- Larry Hall RFK Partners, Inc. (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office 838 Washington Street (508) 893-9889 - FAX Holliston, MA 01746

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