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1.5.19-4: fatal error - couldn't allocate heap after computer reboot (sshd - CopSSHd, Windows 2003 Server SP1)

I use an own unattended setup of the CopSSH 1.3.10 (may 2006,, based on the Cygwin rel. 1.5.19-4 on Windows 2003 
Server SP1. Hardware: Intel XEON 2.80 GHz, 2 GB RAM

Every time I restart the computer the sshd service starts but all SSH 
connections are refused. In the same moment in /var/log/sshd.log occur entry 
pairs like these:
Â7 [main] ? (5856) c:\software\sshd\bin\sshd.exe: *** fatal error - couldn't 
allocate heap, Win32 error 0, base 0x460000, top 0x470000, reserve_size 
61440, allocsize 65536, page_const 4096
  Â51 [main] sshd 1740 child_copy: stack write copy failed, 
0x22DDA0..0x230000, done 0, windows pid 2284756, Win32 error 5

If I restart the sshd system service only without restarting the computer the 
connectivity works as expected. In that case, no further entries occur in 

On all other platforms I tested (Windows XP SP4, Windows 2003 Server R2) this 
problem did not occur definitely.

Some similar problems I already found in this conference with other Cygwin 
applications, too. But I haven't found a solution that fixed this behaviour.
What I have tried to solve this (all followed by a computer restart):
- regtool -i set /HKLM/Software/Cygnus\ Solutions/Cygwin/heap_chunk_in_mb 2048
- Check whether there is a second cygwin1.dll in the search path by mistake - 
actually not
- Use an older version of OpenSSHD 3.8.1p1 based on an older cygwin release
- Use the original CopSSHD setup
==> without any success.

Thanks for your help with this,
R. K.

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