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Re: cygport bash_completion support

2006/5/30, Eric Blake <>:
> > Attached is bash_completion support for cygport. (cygwin only)
> > Put it into /etc/bash_completion.d/cygport
> > Maybe it can be added to the package, though it's only useful for cygwin.
> I don't use bash_completion myself, but if someone else will verify that
> this works, I could add it to cygport.

I'd rather just add it to bash_completion - if you use the package, it
should be as aware of cygwin apps as possible (although that means
I should probably investigate doing something similar for cygpath,
cygcheck, mount/umount, and other cygwin specific programs...)

BTW: I'm just adding postgresql support to bash_completion: psql and the other clients mainly. A bit tricky, similar to ssh, but I need it. This will go to Ian upstream. -- Reini

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